Trento GNSS

Site informations
Site name Trento
Country ITALIE
Longitude 11.12
Latitude 46.067
Tectonic plate EURASIAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020 2020
gnss MOCA 12753M002 Centrage force fixe au sommet d un pilier beton gnss MOCA

Centrage force fixe au sommet d un pilier beton
gnss TNTN 12753M003 Point de reference d un systeme SCGIN d attache d antenne a centrage force au sommet d un mat metallique gnss TNTN

Point de reference d un systeme SCGIN d attache d antenne a centrage force au sommet d un mat metallique
gnss TREN 12753M001 Pilaster placed on the roof of a building made of reinforced concrete (Palazzo Giulia) gnss TREN

Pilaster placed on the roof of a building made of reinforced concrete (Palazzo Giulia)