Montpellier GNSS

Site informations
Site name Montpellier
Country FRANCE
Longitude 3.86
Latitude 43.637
Tectonic plate EURASIAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020 2020
gnss MNTP 10097M003 Top and center of a forced centering plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall on a building roof gnss MNTP

Top and center of a forced centering plate on top of a stainless steel mast fixed to a concrete wall on a building roof
gnss MTP2 10097M002 Axis and top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall. gnss MTP2

Axis and top of a tube, fixed on the side of a wall.
gnss MTPL 10097M001 Pillar - Top of forced centring device gnss MTPL

Pillar - Top of forced centring device