Site informations
Site name | Ny-Alesund |
Country | NORWAY |
Longitude | 11.87 |
Latitude | 78.93 |
Tectonic plate | EURASIAN |
Points information and selection :
ITRF | |||||||||||||||
Code | cdp | Domes | Description | Code Domes Description |
94 | 96 | 97 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2014 | 2020 | 2020
u2023 |
7331 | 7331 | 10317S003 | 20 m VLBI antenna reference point |
10317S003 20 m VLBI antenna reference point |
NYA1 | 10317M003 | Hole top center/horizontal top plate/steel tower/bedrock |
10317M003 Hole top center/horizontal top plate/steel tower/bedrock |
NYA2 | 10317M008 | Top and center of a steel plate on top of a steel tripod, fixed to a pillar |
10317M008 Top and center of a steel plate on top of a steel tripod, fixed to a pillar |
NYAG | 10317M005 | Brass Bolt / Concrete block / Steel tower |
10317M005 Brass Bolt / Concrete block / Steel tower |
NYAL | 10317M001 | Top and centre of a brass nail (GIG'91 mark) |
10317M001 Top and centre of a brass nail (GIG'91 mark) |
SPIA | 10317S002 | DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) |
10317S002 DORIS antenna ref. pt (Alcatel type) |
SPIB | 10317S004 | DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) |
10317S004 DORIS 2 antenna ref. pt. (Starec type) |
SPJB | 10317S005 | DORIS Starec antenna reference point (SPJB) |
10317S005 DORIS Starec antenna reference point (SPJB) |
10317S001 | ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 17-JAN-91 |
10317S001 ROGUE SNR-8/DM B/L1 17-JAN-91 |
10317M004 | DORIS 1 mark (12 mm brass mark) |
10317M004 DORIS 1 mark (12 mm brass mark) |
10317M006 | DORIS 2 mark (12 mm domed brass mark) |
10317M006 DORIS 2 mark (12 mm domed brass mark) |
10317M007 | Domed brass mark on concrete roof (DORIS 3) |
10317M007 Domed brass mark on concrete roof (DORIS 3) |