Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna VLBI GNSS DORIS

Site informations
Site name Ny-Alesund Brandallaguna
Country NORWAY
Longitude 11.84
Latitude 78.941
Tectonic plate EURASIAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020 2020
vlbi 7392 7392 10338S001 Intersection of the AZ-EL axis of the VLBI antenna (south telescope) vlbi 7392

Intersection of the AZ-EL axis of the VLBI antenna (south telescope)
vlbi 7393 7393 10338S002 Intersection of the AZ-EL axis of the VLBI antenna (north telescope) vlbi 7393

Intersection of the AZ-EL axis of the VLBI antenna (north telescope)
gnss NABA 10338M001 Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). gnss NABA

Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock).
gnss NABB 10338M002 Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). gnss NABB

Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock).
gnss NABC 10338M003 Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). gnss NABC

Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock).
gnss NABD 10338M004 Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). gnss NABD

Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock).
gnss NABE 10338M005 Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). gnss NABE

Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock).
gnss NABF 10338M006 Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock). gnss NABF

Top and centre of a brass mark (the antenna is on a steel truss mast mounted on buried steel tripod anchored in bedrock).
gnss NABG 10338M008 Top center of antenna mount adapter gnss NABG

Top center of antenna mount adapter
doris SVAC 10338S003 DORIS Starec antenna reference point doris SVAC

DORIS Starec antenna reference point
doris SVBC 10338S004 DORIS Antenna Reference Point doris SVBC

DORIS Antenna Reference Point
point 10338M007 mark engraved in the steel support plate point

mark engraved in the steel support plate