Palma de Mallorca GNSS

Site informations
Site name Palma de Mallorca
Country SPAIN
Longitude 2.64
Latitude 39.56
Tectonic plate EURASIAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020 2020
gnss MAL1 13444M002 Center of a forced centering screw on a steel plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar on the tide gauge building gnss MAL1

Center of a forced centering screw on a steel plate, fixed on top of a reinforced concrete pillar on the tide gauge building
gnss MALL 13444M001 Brass plate with bolt to fix the antenna on reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Centro Oceanografico de Palma (E-069801) gnss MALL

Brass plate with bolt to fix the antenna on reinforced concrete pillar on the top of the roof of the Centro Oceanografico de Palma (E-069801)