Alcaniz GNSS

Site informations
Site name Alcaniz
Country SPAIN
Longitude -0.15
Latitude 41.05
Tectonic plate EURASIAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020 2020
gnss ALC1 19370M002 Brass plate located on top of a concrete pillar. The reference point is located in a brass plate with forced centering. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. gnss ALC1

Brass plate located on top of a concrete pillar. The reference point is located in a brass plate with forced centering. This plate has a screw in the center where the antenna is placed. The ref.point is the center of the screw.
gnss ALCA 19370M001 Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof gnss ALCA

Reference point of a forced centering device on top of a metallic mast, fixed on a roof