Santa Maria GNSS VLBI

Site informations
Site name Santa Maria
Longitude -25.12
Latitude 36.983
Tectonic plate AFRICAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020 2020
vlbi 7390 7390 31912S001 Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI Antenna vlbi 7390

Intersection of rotation axes of a permanent VLBI Antenna
gnss AZSM 31912M005 Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored in bedrock gnss AZSM

Reference point of a self centring antenna mount fixed on top of a concrete pillar anchored in bedrock
gnss RAE1 31912M006 bam gnss RAE1

gnss RAEG 31912M003 Brass plate with a mast in a concrete monumentation. The reference point is the top of the mast where the antenna is screwed. The ref.point is the center of the screw. gnss RAEG

Brass plate with a mast in a concrete monumentation. The reference point is the top of the mast where the antenna is screwed. The ref.point is the center of the screw.
gnss S04M 31912M002 Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block gnss S04M

Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block
gnss S04N 31912M004 Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block gnss S04N

Top and center of a base plate on top of a steel mast, anchored into a concrete block
gnss SNTM 31912M001 Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a concrete pillar gnss SNTM

Top and axis of a forced centering antenna mount fixed on a concrete pillar