Batan, Limon GNSS
Site informations
Site name | Batan, Limon |
Country | COSTA RICA |
Longitude | -83.37 |
Latitude | 10.091 |
Tectonic plate | CARIBBEAN |
Points information and selection :
ITRF | |||||||||||||||
Code | cdp | Domes | Description | Code Domes Description |
94 | 96 | 97 | 2000 | 2005 | 2008 | 2014 | 2020 | 2020
u2023 |
BATA | 40613M001 | Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch stainless steel screw cemented in a pillar. |
40613M001 Axis and base of a forced centering 5/8 inch stainless steel screw cemented in a pillar. |