Bom Jesus da Lapa GNSS

Site informations
Site name Bom Jesus da Lapa
Country BRAZIL
Longitude -43.42
Latitude -13.256
Tectonic plate SOUTH AMERICAN
Points information and selection :
Code cdp Domes Description Code

94 96 97 2000 2005 2008 2014 2020
gnss BABJ 41612M002 Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a build concrete roof gnss BABJ

Forced centering device on top of a concrete pillar, fixed on a build concrete roof
gnss BOMJ 41612M001 Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a one-floor building (93030) gnss BOMJ

Concrete pillar with forced centering device in the top of a one-floor building (93030)